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Kronik: Klima som kult

Kronik af Af Klaus Kjøller, forfatter og lektor, Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet i Berllingske Tidende:

At sætte fokus på teknikker og dydsscoring og spin i et så følelsesintenst spørgsmål som jordklodens overlevelse kan virke kættersk.

Men det er vigtigt for demokratiet, at vælgerne er opmærksomme på den grundregel i politisk kommunikation, der siger, at når vælgernes følelser er store, så kan politikere og andre score. Kun et meget kvalitetsbevidst, modigt medium tør bringe et indlæg som dette. Det bør hyldes.

Kronik: Klima som kult (

Klaus Kjøller var også i dagens P1 Formiddag på DR:

Den politiske tone er hård (DR Online)


Democracy Sucks??
In my opinion, Democracy Sucks. Democracy by definition is Mob rule, the majority Mob. The vote of the majority, right or not so right, is not necessarily the best kind of governance. What is good, helpful, right and fair in our society is not the issue. Who the best and most capable person are, is clearly irrelevant. Whatever talents the political candidates have, or doesn’t have, is of no importens. God forbid if they speak the Truth. So, democracy sucks. Originally Democracy was supposed to be 100 sheep deciding where the best grazing was, or anything else they had in common. Now it has become 5 wolfs and 95 sheep deciding what’s for dinner. So Democracy Sucks. Our election system is supposed to be representative and democratic, but is it? Well not anymore. Democracy is just weak people hiring strong people to boss them around and steal their money and make all their decisions for them. Fifty-one percent can establish a totalitarian rule in government, if they chose, and sadly do so in many places. They can totally suppress minorities and still remain so-called democratic. How are you supposed to stop this kind of power euphoria and misuse by some individuals who apparently can’t handle their authority. And trust me; it is not going to stop there. Human beings clearly appear to get crazy drunk on power.
In a Republic for an example, who is "the country?" Is it the Government which is for the moment in the saddle? No it isn’t. The Government is merely a servant- merely a temporary servant; it cannot be its or his prerogative to determine what is right and what isn’t, and decide who is, and who isn't (whatever). Its function is to obey the orders, (The will of the people), not originate the orders. (Please read this again). Democracy is NOT supposed to be like Capitalism or poker where “A winner takes all”.
In a Constitutional Republic with proportional representation, where only the voting system is democratic, all people have guarantied and recognized rights. In a simple democracy like in Denmark you only have privileges your elected leaders can remove at their whim. Our elections has gone the way of the dodo, the pearls was clearly thrown before swine. Just look around and see how unsuspecting people get sucked into all kind of things, and they don’t even know that they have been had. The political, administrative and financial mess our country is in at present, is so gigantic, that the problems do not stand a change to be solved with the kind of thinking that created those problems. What the people are missing from their representatives are Humility, sacrifice, service, selflessness, clear thinking, ethics, humbleness, social ethics and morals, a proven track records, and already successful private affairs. (In other words, have proven that they are capable of doing the job they hope to do for the public). Even a simple I.Q. test would be revealing, wouldn’t it. We need capable people, we simply don’t want any more ambitious un-employed, un-successful, greed motivated, incapable and power hungry people. Elections are supposed to be an honest attempt for good service-minded people to cooperate with humility amongst the socially un-equal. Democracy really sucks, doesn’t it?
A sarcastic person once said “who-ever vote for the winning candidate can be blamed for everything”. The stats ministers offices, has now become the only offices to take responsibility for our country and for its up-liftment, it was not meant to become some kind of ceremonial office for a local executive Cheerleader whose sole purpose seems to be the private gain of his friends at the public's expense - nor was the office mend to be a place to be protected from criminal charges by a bunch of underlings. Many politicians have truly fouled their own nests, drunk in their own Power. We the people are not mushrooms; we are not in the dark, and we don’t accept the yak dung.

Hi René Descartes,

In my opinion there is no alternative to democracy despite it's shortcomings.

Democracy was never intended to be efficient.

To protect minorities we have the basic human rights from UN and the European Council here in Denmark plus the basics like freedom of speech plus right to assemble peacefully in our Danish constitution. Basic standards are what characterizes a Democracy but it's a constant fight to keep them.

The anti-terror laws make them more and more hollow and today they seem more like a legal Swiss cheese than protected and guaranteed basic rights for a democracy.

But they will return. I'm confident that they will.

Have a nice day :)


Thank you for your kind response Flemming.
Democracy is dieing, and here is why:
Please take a moment and wrap your mind around this.
We can't search for truth, fight for a fair society, protect minority interests, shed light on injustice, without having open and robust debate, without having a free press, and without having free expression tucked into our back pockets, in case we need it. Free speech is the whole thing, the whole ball game, Free speech is life itself. The oxygen of free societies is freedom of speech. Everything short of incitement has to be tolerated, even when it is wrong. The Government...both in its genesis and by its primary intention, is purely anti-social. It is not based on the idea of natural rights, but on the idea that the individual has no rights except those that the government may provisionally grant him. But actually, we have plenty of rights in this country, provided you don't get caught exercising them. We have similar examples in ancient Greece and Rome: Instances of the people losing their liberty by their own carelessness and the greed and power ambition of a few.
I look upon Democracy as the most fatal plan that could be possibly be conceived to enslave free people.
Instead of being a protector of man’s rights, the government is becoming their most dangerous violator; instead of guarding freedom the government is establishing indirect slavery; instead of protecting men from the initiators of physical force, the government is initiating physical force and coercion in any manner and issue it pleases; instead of serving as the instrument of objectivity in human relationships, the government is creating a deadly subterranean reign of uncertainty and fear…in most countries, instead of protecting men from injury by whim, the government is arrogating to itself the power of unlimited whim – so that we are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. The clearest picture of most democratic governments is a cop, clad in black, with a baton raised over the head of some objector. Just look in politiken yesterday. Criminals are a small minority in any age or community. And the harm they have done to mankind is infinitesimal when compared to the horrors – the bloodshed, the wars, the persecution, the famines, the enslavements, the wholesale destruction – perpetrated by mankind’s different democratic governments. Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights - When unlimited and unrestricted by individual rights, a government is mankind’s deadliest enemy.
To be Governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. Weak people accept others do not. To be Governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.
What, then, do they (Us Humans) want a government for? Not to regulate commerce; not to educate the people; not to teach religion; not to administer charity; not to make roads and railways; but simply to defend the natural rights of man - to protect person and property - to prevent the aggressions of the powerful upon the weak - in a word, to administer justice. This is the natural, the original, office of a government. It was not intended to do less: it ought not to be allowed to do more
The great political superstition of the past was the divine right of kings. The great political superstition of the present is the divine right of Governments. People should not be afraid of their governments; governments should much rather be afraid of the people! The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and under-nourishment. Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience...Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while, the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem. Democracy is supposed to be all about free speech and free thought. Freedom is freedom and there is no such thing as just a little bit of freedom. Just as with pregnancy, you can’t be a little bit. Freedom of speech and freedom of thought are the very essence of liberty, freedom and a free society. It is the fundamental backbone of democracy...where open debate is not only encouraged, it is essential. Where respect is not earned, do not respect it. The demand for respect in the absence of a reason to warrant respect is plain tyranny. Freedom is not the jurisdiction of the Government to give or take as they see fit. Freedom is a gift from God, as are the rights to liberty, freedom of thought and freedom of speech and inquiry. No nation has the right to take away what was not theirs to give in the first place.
In Denmark dissent is clearly stamped upon - not least because, when deviant behavior becomes viewed as normal, normal behavior inevitably becomes treated as deviant.
When those who prove constantly that they have no morals, no ethics, no competence, no honor, no honesty, no character tell me how to think, live, speak, I think I will stick with God. I think I know what side He is on.
The unfathomable chaos, injustice and the rapid retreat from reason we see everywhere, and which has resulted in the bewilderment and demoralization of most democratic nations has had to be planned and orchestrated. We can extrapolate creatively from data, but cannot prophesize wild cards, such as acts of God, acts of nature, or acts of man that can only be described as 'schemes undreamed of.' Forgive me if I get a bit indelicate here, but to that I simply say: Get over it! This sense of entitlement the government officials have, with their precious “identities” entwined with their big spending habits is a sham. It’s disgusting.
In this arena, the majority does not see intelligence, courage, honor, decency, skill, as great things. They speak of these in glowing terms, yes, but the reality is just the opposite. Your worth is decided strictly, by the resources you have at your beck and call, and how many worshippers, clones and mindless thralls you have sloshing saliva in your path at the moment. The naive neophytes are fed upon by hungrier, slicker fish who lie, and think of nothing other of their own self-aggrandizement, no matter what the cost to anyone else. Who will take them for everything they are worth and go home and eat fabulous dinners and sleep quite well?
Independently creative thought is generally at a minimum. Raw recruits sit back, read their prepared daily briefs, and follow the included orders from the bigger fish. The reptilian brain by and large, runs the show here. I'm talking about the malevolent, cutthroat world of top politicians and their old boy’s network?
I see this grotesque attitude permeating in what should be the nexus point for the kindest, the wisest, and the toughest. What really should be a gathering place for the best of the best? But instead I see constant desperate struggles, by the so-called awakened just as in the world of so-called sheep, to try to grab power over others and see themselves as better than everyone else around them.
I see instead of dynamic individual minds who are so in speech and in deed joining ideas, instead of easily infiltratable groups, just innocent lambs waiting to be eaten by the next Government agent with a fancy, cleverly worked out website and a loud enough voice booming with fake intensity. I finally came to the conclusion that to wake up many politicians, they would need to be locked up in prison to get them to sit down, shut up, listen and think. Focus on the reality rather than the inane and asinine, or run off at the mouth without putting the brain in gear. God never holds up high the despicable among us. On the contrary, God seems to make sure that such people are crushed one way or another. They self-destruct and I am seeing plenty of that going on right now in politic here locally, as well as all over the world. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of our country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the democratic country is destroyed.
I perceive my civic challenge as some vast, insoluble Rubik’s Cube. Behind each problem lies yet another, and another, ad infinitum. To fix crime we have to fix the family, but before we do that we have to fix welfare, and that means fixing our budget, and that means fixing our civic spirit, but we can’t do that without fixing moral standards, and that means fixing schools and churches, and that means fixing the slums, and that’s impossible unless we fix crime. There’s no fulcrum on which to rest a policy lever. People of all ages sense that something huge will have to sweep across the world before the gloom can be lifted – but that’s an awareness we suppress. As a nation, we’re in deep denial. – The party's over, it's time to de-frock all the participants and discover what they have really been doing. Anecdotal evidence is mounting that democracy is something of a façade as it is. I hope that these facts are disturbing to you, to say the least. As a practical thinker, one not overly prone to emotional decisions, I have a choice: I can either believe what the objective pieces of evidence tell me (even if they make me cringe with disgust); I can believe what history is shouting to me from across the chasm of six and a half decades; or I can hope I am wrong by closing my eyes, having another Cognac, and ignoring what is transpiring around me.. I choose to believe the evidence. No doubt some people will scoff at me; others laugh, or think I am foolish, naive, or both. To some degree, perhaps I am. But I have never been afraid to look people in the eye and tell them exactly what I believe-and why I believe it. Fallibilism is the philosophical doctrine that all claims of knowledge could, in principle, be mistaken. Then again, I could be wrong about that. I pray I am wrong, but I do not think I am. Only in Politic do people think freedom is freedom to lie, steal, connive, cheat, plunder and wreck the lives of others just to be successful in terms of money and power. Only in Politic is freedom so taken for granted that freedom to be a criminal is now passé. Only in Politic do self-professed Christians worship money and materialism before God and, sadly, do not know the difference. What fell in through the roof due to fraud and what comes as manna from Heaven is not the same thing, but now I see far more of the circumstance of 'an accident looking for a place to happen'.
In Dante's writings he cited the seven deadly sins as being: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. Those seven words alone sum up the demise of what was could have been a great nation. We as a nation of people and the corrupt leadership we put into office have violated those seven deadly sins so many times it is incredible to me that most individuals can and will sit still for it, just like a herd of cowardly sheep busily munching the grass and not paying attention to the realities going on. The opposite of lust is chastity. The antonym of gluttony is temperance. The opposite of greed is charity. The antonym of sloth is diligence. The opposite of wrath is patience. The antonym of envy is kindness. The opposite of pride is humility.
No leaders, no solutions, no answers can arise from the cacophony of babbling fools, many of whom have not a single damned clue what they are talking about. Silence is the virtue of a fool but in politic the opinions and lack of cohesion to a purpose are also signs of a nation that has no plan to fix what is wrong. It seems to me that you have to be honest to see the truth. If you are not honest then your perspective is skewered by your dishonesty and denial. This is why they can't tell the truth and why a certain portion of the public can't believe the truth. Every day the magnitude of the lies and the dreadful behavior of the few are being seen more widely and more deeply. The public should demand the frequent use of the hangman's noose that ought to be used on those that have so abused the public's trust over the decades. Now, when politicians or government agency heads fail, they just collect their booty and leave office to write their books and plan their next parasitic adventure. The people pay the bill, suck-it-up and move on with only the slimmest of hope that the next creature will not just be a repetition of what had gone before. In almost every case what the public 'got' was an even greater set of criminals at a huge increase in the costs for their crimes, in which the offenders have never been forced to face any real consequences, because as long as they are not charged or convicted they are free to re-invent themselves again and return to the public troughs for an ever- increasing share of the public's hard-earned money.
Most people lack the capacity to search for truth and cope rationally with our mounting social and economic ills. They seek clarity, entertainment and order. They are willing to use force to impose this clarity on others, especially those who do not speak as they speak and think as they think. All the traditional tools of democracies, including dispassionate scientific and historical truth, facts, news and rational debate, are useless instruments in a world that lacks the capacity to use them. So Democracy will fail, I think. The question you should ask is, what will be the next evolution in politic? More about that some other time. And now that the testosterone has relaxed its grip, I am left scratching my bald-ness and wondering why? I just had to get it of my chest!!!! Compiled by Rene’ Descartes

Prophecy after Democracy.

Compiled by Rene’ Decartes.

As promised in my earlier script, here is the scoop. What you now se is Democracy with ‘rigor mortis’.
True prophecies only have two reasons for being revealed, the first, is to warn us about what will happen in the future if we don’t change our ways in what we think and do, as well as giving us the opportunity to change. Or, second, to warn us to prepare ourselves and our loved ones for the prophesied future when it does happen. Prophecy was never been to scare us in any way. The teachings the truly wise and enlightened teachers gives give us, is always about the future, and what we will have to do to correct our mistakes and reach our true potential and purpose, just as they. It is about how to make your Soul ready for your future, because your body will die and be eaten by worms or consumed by fires some day, in any case. But you,-- the Soul you are, that which will survive dead, is what will have to be perfected and enlightened and become aware of its own mistakes, responsibility, and accountability. Knowledge of the past, the way it sadly is being presented, is more like a record of the victor’s successes and his opponent’s failures, to motivate you to admire him or to help him create his delusions of grandeur, and motivate people to idolize the victor in some way, as well as keep you focused in the wrong direction, backwards instead of forward. But you cannot change the past one iota. And you do need to change something, but then again, you may not know what that is before you are about to die, and trust me, then you will, and then it is too late to do much about it in this life. For most people, the past has irrevocably gone. So look to the future, forget the past, it is passé. That is the problem with Religions; they all look backwards and tell you what happen in the past, they never tell you what you have to do in the future to achieve your purpose. The problem is, your time is running out, you will die one day for sure, but you don’t know when, so try to be on your toes, and keep to the point of what has to be done before you do. For some people, history can be a source of learning how mans past actions create the re-actions of today and can be projected as prophesy into the future of what may be coming. There are many sources of prophesy both past and present. You have Prophets, Psychics, Seers, you have people with Near Dead Experiences (NDE), wise men and women, and you have many other different sources as well. The credibility of the sources is many times drawn into question, and rightly so, however, if the information in the prophecy (which is Projecting the reaction to some previous action) is in harmony with the many credible sources and available, then the prophecy can be accepted as a possibility of a future prophecy. If the Prophecy helps you to become a better person and make you evolve to become a better and more prepared for the future, then the prophecy is most likely real. The way it works is simple. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, that is a law in the Universe, (sowing and reaping, karma etc.) so by looking at what you sowed in the past, you can project what you reap of harvest in the future. If you throw a stone up into the air, the prophecy is that it will come down in the near future. It is that simple. The only two things mystical about Prophecy, or understanding what the reaping will be, is who has the insight to realize it, and who has the Conscious awareness required to get it from the higher Source? Prophecies from such sources as NDEs (Near Dead Experiences), the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and other psychic phenomena, as well as past life regressions, all agree that a new era of peace on Earth will come after the many foreseen natural disasters to purify the Earth from the so-called sins and evil of this modern and very sick civilization. The following information is some of the positive prophecies of the future that are predicted to occur. What is interesting is that some NDE, accounts sometimes involve a sense of having total knowledge and Conscious awareness of everything. Others are given a view of the entirety of the Earth's evolution and history from the beginning to the end of time. But sadly, many NDE accounts are not investigated much.
The following is a good example on action-reaction Prophecy by Einstein,
“In a polar region there is a continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The Earth's rotation acts on these unsymmetrically deposited masses [of ice], and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the Earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point, produce a movement of the Earth's crust over the rest of the Earth's body, and this will displace the Polar Regions toward the equator”.
Below you will se many different Prophesies coming from different individuals and, I believe, truly trust-worthy sources, of what will happen after democracy. Since the source is ultimately assumed to be divine, the individual names have been omitted. What you will do with this information is up to you.
“There will be diseases and germ warfare. There will be tremendous upheaval in the world as a result of humanity's general ignorance of true reality. Humanity is breaking the Laws and Principles of the Universe and as a result of this, humanity will suffer. This suffering will not be due to the wrath of God, but rather like a reaction to the actions of mankind, or the pain one might suffer by arrogantly defying the law of gravity. Humanity is being consumed by the cancers of arrogance, materialism, racism, chauvinism, and separatist thinking. Sense will turn to nonsense, and calamity, in the end, will turn to providence. An inevitable educational cleansing of the Earth will occur because of humanity's transgressions. People from different nations, different religions, with different weapons, will kill each other which will result in hundreds of thousands of dead people”.
“Floods will spill across the Earth on different continents in different seasons. Thousands of lives and acres upon acres of crops will be lost as well as many animals. Volcanoes from around the world will erupt; first one then another. Earthquakes will destroy sections of almost every continent. One massive earthquake will occur in America. Most of the others will be in Europe and Asia and thousands of people will be killed. There will come a time when these things will happen all at once. It will come at the same time of humanity's greatest sins”.
“No nuclear holocaust will occur, but 1 or 2 bombs may go off”.
“An increasing incidence of earthquakes, volcanic activity and generally massive geophysical changes, Disturbances in weather patterns and food supplies. The collapse of the world’s economic system. The possibility of nuclear war by accident. Dramatic climate changes, droughts, food shortages. There are going to be a lot of upheavals such as earthquakes and volcanoes occurring in the next few years, which are going to get increasingly worse. I was given to understand that these activities are a reflection of all the social upheaval and selfishness, and the physical violence that is going on all over the world at the moment”.
“A new order of conditions is to arise; there must be a purging in high places as well as low; and that there must be the greater consideration of the individual, so that each soul being his brother's keeper. Then certain circumstances will arise in the political, the economic, and whole relationships to which a leveling will occur or a greater comprehension of the need for it”.
“Missiles will be fired simultaneously into space from several nations. Eruptions on the sun will interfere with the Earth - more than it ever has. A large mass from space will pass by the Earth and cause it to wobble wildly like a spinning top. The oceans will rise, first along the Pacific Ring of Fire then others. A space station will fall from the heavens because of an internal explosion”.
“Landmasses will start to sink under the pressure of the ocean on it. These Earth changes will eventually result in a newer, cleaner, more beautiful planet”.
“The Earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America. When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea and those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that that's almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Etna area, then we many know it has begun”.
“Portions of the now east coast of New York, or New York City itself, will in the main disappear. This will be another generation, though, here; while the southern portions of Carolina, Georgia -- these will disappear. This will be much sooner. The waters of the lakes will empty into the Gulf, rather than the waterway over which such discussions have been recently made. It would be well if the waterway were prepared, but not for that purpose for which it is at present being considered. Then the area where the entity is now located (Virginia Beach) will be among the safety lands, as will be portions of what is now Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and much of the southern portion of Canada and the eastern portion of Canada; while the western land -- much of that is to be disturbed as, of course much in other lands”.
“A new order of conditions is to arise; there must be a purging in high places as well as low; and that there must be the greater consideration of the individual, so that each soul being his brother's keeper. Then certain circumstances will arise in the political, the economic, and whole relationships to which a leveling will occur or a greater comprehension of the need for it”.

“The war between the darkness and the light on the Earth has grown so intense that humans who are not continually seeking the light and goodness will be consumed by the darkness and evil, and be lost”.
“There will come a time of great confusion and the people will need your stabilizing influence. . There will be poverty, many wars, and storms upon storms to rage the Earth. Devastation from earthquakes and hurricanes will happen. A war will start in the East”. When your work on Earth is done, then you can come back here and stay”
“There will be upheavals in the Arctic and Antarctic that will cause the eruption of volcanoes in the torrid areas, and the pole shift. There will be the shifting then of the poles, so that where there have been those of a frigid or the semi-tropical will become the more tropical, and moss and fern will grow. A shift of the Earth's axis will result in massive earthquakes and tidal waves”.
“There are going to be polar changes ... it's not going to kill all the races off, but we're going to have to start again from square one ... There's going to be a larger land mass. Practically no coastal areas will be safe during the shifting of the Earth's poles because of the tidal waves. Many people will not survive this shift, but others will, because after a period of churning seas and frightful wind velocities, the turbulence will cease, and those in the north will live in tropical clime, and vice versa”.
“There will be almost no technology in the future. Children will be the most precious commodity in the world. Raising children is will be the highest priority. A euphoric future with no anxiety, no hatred, no competition only cooperation, and an enormous trust and mutual respect. Love and prayer will become a stronger force on Earth. People will garden more in the future with almost no effort. Gardens will grow by the power of prayer. Groups of people praying together will be able to control the climate. Animals will live in harmony with people”. Wisdom will be more important than knowledge. All knowledge can be accessed through prayer.
“People will be able to communicate telepathically with everyone else in the world. There will be greater insight into life after death. It will be like the Garden of Eden. God will usher the paradise on Earth within the next 200 years For paradise to come, God will have to restrict some of humanity's free will. Your thoughts will be revealed by other people’s psychic-ness. You will not be free to lie and deceive any more”.
“This world will resemble some near-death descriptions of heaven. Travel will be instantaneous. The need for clothing and shelter will be minimized”.
“An important message from the Beings of Light concerning the future of humanity: They want every person to consider every other person greater than their own flesh. They want everyone to love everyone else, completely; more, even, than they love themselves. If someone, someplace else in the world hurts, then we should hurt – we should feel their pain. And we should help them. Our planet has evolved to the point, for the first time in our history, that we have the power to do that. We are consciously and globally linked. And we could become one people”.
Science will soon quantify spirit (what life is) and discover what holds the universe together. (Love is the glue) They will have to call it God. Religions are about to die or become more enlightened because more light is coming into the world. There will be many religious people fighting against other religious people because they believe that they are the only ones that are right”.
“The world will become a safer place. The clearing of the rain forest will slow down, and in fifty years there will be more trees on the planet than in a long time. The Earth is in the process of domesticating itself and it will never again be as wild of a place as it once was”.
“There will be great wild reserves where nature thrives. Gardening will be the thing in the future. The population increase will reach an optimal range of energy to cause a shift in consciousness. That shift in consciousness will change politics, values, and energy”.
“Humans will soon be able to live as long as we want to live in our bodies. After living 150 years or so, there will be an intuitive sense that it is time to change channels. Humanity will eventually see the wisdom of life and death”.
“The world will grow more peaceful - both humanity and nature. Humans will not be as critical of themselves or others. Humans will not be as destructive to nature. Humans will begin to understand what love is. China will become the cradle of Christianity”.
“After the darkest hour had passed away, during which time all the former things of this world had disintegrated and decayed, I saw a new consciousness emerging and humanity evolving in a new form. Thereafter I beheld a Golden Age in which people would live in love and harmony with each other and all of nature. At the end of this general period of transition, humanity was to be born anew, with a new sense of his place in the universe. The birth process, however, as in all the kingdoms, was exquisitely painful. Mankind would emerge humbled yet educated, peaceful, and, at last, unified”.
“The disastrous Earth changes will be followed by a new era in human history, marked by human brotherhood, universal love and world peace”.
“I saw the Earth stretching and groaning while giving birth to a new consciousness. I saw that every so often in the history of the world this happens and is inevitable in order for the Earth to bring forth a new state of evolution. Humanity will mature enough to assume a higher place in the universal scheme of things. But before this, humans must learn acceptance and tolerance and love for each other”.
“There will come a new time of tolerance will come where the hearts and souls of humanity will be joined as all religions and doctrines will fall away or become enlightened. People will not be able to endure seeing others homeless and hungry. Only by helping each other could we truly help ourselves. Within the next two hundred years a new era of peace, love and harmony will rule the world”.
“After the coming Earth changes, the harmonic balance of nature on Earth will finally be restored. There will come a time of peace and a time of joy where humanity will be safe. Eventually, humanity will become more peaceful. A new type of human being is emerging with a younger and peaceful nature. The world is on the verge of a spiritual awakening. People will be happier and more content although living like the native populations of old. There will be no more wars and true peace and happiness will finally come to humanity”.
“A profound spiritual awakening will eventually occur to everyone on Earth. People will be able to perform supernatural events and miraculous healings”.
“The coming horrible events will not last and there will come another time of peace and another time of joy and humanity will be safe. Humanity will be born anew with a new sense of their place in the universe. This birth process will be painful, but humanity will emerge humbled yet educated, peaceful, and, at last, unified. A great Awakening has begun. People around the world are opening their eyes to their own spiritual natures. They are beginning to see who they truly are and what they have always been -- beings with an eternal past and a glorious future”.
“The total congregation of the "sons of righteousness" that is, those who maintain humility, kindness and compassion and turn away from the popular trend will progress”.
“Considerable destruction in areas of the west coast of the United States will occur. An earthquake measuring 8.9 or higher in California is building and is close. A massive exodus from Los Angeles will occur. The continent America will split in half, down its very center, and a wall of water will come rushing across from the great lakes”.
“A worldwide warning, perhaps a terrible catastrophe, will be experienced by everyone on Earth. Its purpose will be to call humanity to amend its behavior and return to God. A great miracle will occur within one year after the warning. It will be a visible sign to all humanity of God's presence, love and mercy. Permanent signs will remain on Earth for all time at various locations of the Mary apparitions”.
“A terrible chastisement, a time of purification and cleansing, will happen to Earth during which two-thirds of humanity will die. The chastisement depends upon the response of humanity to the warning and the miracle”.
“After the second great war between the nations will come a third universal war, which will determine everything. There will be entirely new weapons. In one day, more men will die than in all previous wars combined. Battles will be fought with artificial guns. Gigantic catastrophes will occur. Everything will become different than before, and in many places the Earth will be a great cemetery. The third “great” war will be the end of many nations”.
“Heaven on Earth is coming soon, so the old evil order must be ended. "Life is eternal; and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight”.
“Through Russia comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take a few years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world...for changes are coming, this may be sure -- an evolution or revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The basis of it for the world will eventually come out of Russia. Not communism, no! But rather that which is the basis of the same as the Christ taught -- his kind of commun-ism”.
“If there are greater activities in [the volcanoes] Vesuvius or Pelee, then the southern coast of California and the areas between Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada, we may expect, within the three months following same, inundation by the earthquakes. But these are to be more in the Southern than the Northern Hemisphere”.
“As to conditions in the geography of the world, of the country -- changes here are gradually coming about ... For, many portions of the east coast will be disturbed, as well as many portions of the west coast, as well as the central portion of the U.S. Next, land will appear in the Atlantic as well as in the Pacific. And what is the coast line now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean. Even many battle fields of the present will be ocean, will be the seas, the bays, the lands over which The New Spiritual Order will carry on their trade as one with another”.
“The quickest way to change the world is to be of service to others. Show that your love can make a difference in the lives of people and thereby someone else's love can make a difference in your life. By each of us doing that and working together we change the world one inner person at a time. It is left to humanity which direction they shall choose”.
I truly hope that you get the drift of what the future will bring. The timing is clearly unknown but the indicators are before 5 years from now (Jan 2010) but it could start next week as well. This is why Democracy will die and get discarded; it is now totally unimportant to speculate on what flawed system will replace it, doesn’t it? There are of course a lot more Prophecies about the future of the earth, however, it up to you to search for it.
I bet you adieu.
Cogito ergo sum, (I am conscious, therefore I am)
I am humbly
Rene’ Descartes,
and has been many others through the ages